

Hardy Weighing In: New Training Modules, Including First Tech Bites

New Training Modules for Litmos Users

Hardy Process Solutions has released three new training modules for its Litmos training platform.  First, a new Sales Bite for the Hardy Caseweigher series is available in the Hardy Sales Bites Learning Path. This Sales Bite is longer and includes a longer quiz section as well. There is also a new learning path for Hardy Tech Bites.  Tech Bites are designed to be more technical in nature, but still cover just a single topic.  They are ideal for Service Technicians and Account Managers that visit customer plants.

International Reps who do not have access to Litmos may contact to obtain English language PowerPoint Presentations that cover the same material.

Accuracy & Resolution are
Not the Same

Many people, including experienced scale technicians, use the terms resolution and accuracy interchangeably, in relation to industrial scales. Yet there is actually no relationship between accuracy and resolution. Accuracy is established/defined by the load cell/s used. Resolution is established/defined by the instrument used. Let take a more detailed look into each of these terms.

New HISPAL03 Aluminum Single Point Series

Hardy has replaced the HISPAL04 series with the HISPAL03 series.  These new aluminum load cells now range from 300 grams to 5 kgs. The Hardy Process Solutions HI SPAL03 aluminum ultra low-capacity, single point load cells are ideal for packaging machines, dosing/filling, belt scales/conveyor scales, in-motion checkweighers, and retail scales/counting scales for sensitive low-weight materials, such as pharmaceuticals and minor ingredients.

The HI SPAL03 comes in capacities of 300 grams to 5 kg (.667 lb to 11.02 lb) with an IP rating of IP66. They are ideal for use under platforms up to 8” x 8”. 

Determining the Capacity of a Load Cell

Question: I am replacing a load cell on an existing scale and am unable to read the label. Is there another way to figure out what the capacity of the load cell is?

Answer: Normally you would look at the label to find the capacity of your load cell. If the Load Cell has C2 and you can read the serial number, you can look it up online.  However, if the serial number and the label has been removed or is unreadable, you will need to determine the milli-volt per volt rating in order to calculate the capacity. Since the mill-volt per volt rating on load cells can differ between manufacturers (1, 2 ,3 or 4 mV/V) you may need to run the following calculations four ways and then determine which is correct.
Being able to predict the milli-volt change is the reverse of a scale calibration.



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